Painting and Design

Whether food ingredients, paints and brushes, words or clothes…the creative process as the manifestation of the abstract into the concrete has always been an inseparable part of my life. When it comes to paintings and photography, I am represented by the Japanese platform TRICERA. Please click here for my artist page there.   

My artistic creations constitute the combined knowledge of East Asian culture, art and architecture, and modern science- particularly biology, physics and the mathematical patterns of the universe that are visually manifested through micro and macro resonating parallels.

I am especially interested in expressing through my art ideas that relate to simplicity versus multiplicity, emergence theory, self-organization, order and chaos, among others. 

Beside painting from very young age, I have also studied marble sculpturing in Pietra-Santa, Italy, and have experimented in designing T-shirts, hats, shoes, jewelry, furniture and more. The following is but a few selected items from earlier periods. The pendant is made out of Taiwanese sand-stone, which, in an incredible way, resembles a Chinese landscape painting when polished; the images below are hand-painted T-shirts from my days as a biologist (and as is evident, they depicted my research subject…marine mammals).